
Flavio Chierichetti

Full Professor

{first name} AT di DOT uniroma1 DOT it

Sapienza University of Rome

Dipartimento di Informatica

Viale Regina Elena, 295b (Palazzina G - 2° Piano - Stanza G39)

Rome, Italy - 00161

My primary research interests lie in algorithmics, machine learning and mathematical modeling, particularly in the contexts of social networks and the Web.

My research is currently supported by the PRIN project 2017K7XPAN, and by a Google Focused Research Award.

I serve as an associate editor for ACM Transactions on Algorithms.

I am serving, or have served, on the program committees of KDD 2025 (program co-chair), KDD 2024 (program co-chair), WWW 2024 (track co-chair), NeurIPS 2023 (area chair), KDD 2023 (senior PC member), SODA 2023, KDD 2022 (senior PC member), NeurIPS 2021 (area chair), KDD 2021 (senior PC member), SODA 2021, NeurIPS 2020 (area chair), KDD 2020 (senior PC member), HALG 2020, ICALP 2020, NeurIPS 2019, KDD 2019 (senior PC member), STOC 2019, WWW 2019, CIKM 2018 (senior PC member), NeurIPS 2018, KDD 2018 (senior PC member), ICML 2018, ESA 2018, KDD 2017 (senior PC member), WWW 2017, WSDM 2017, ICALP 2016, WWW 2015 (track co-chair), SODA 2015, WSDM 2014, EWSSN 2013, WWW 2013, PODC 2012, WWW 2012, WWW 2011 and PKDD 2010.

Classes: Algoritmi e Complessità 2024/2025 @ SMIA.